Sunday, January 22, 2012

Define Yourself | What kind of Hostess are you?

Today, I decided to dust off one of my old party planning books. Well, stuck in the middle of the book were my notes on, "types of hostesses".  Just in case you are new to party planning, here is the definition for hostess (in relation to parties).  As defined by Merriam Webster dictionary, a hostess is a woman who entertains socially. Diane Warner explains that there are three types of hostesses: "natural, reluctant, and willing".

  1. Natural Hostess ~ Can organize a party effortlessly. She is gifted with the art of hospitality and loves to entertain.  She can plan a cute and classy event for any type of celebration.
  2. Reluctant Hostess ~ Has her had full and overwhelmed by the schedule in her everyday life. She frowns at the idea of hosting a party. She does not need another thing to add to her already demanding list of things to do.
  3. Willing Hostess ~ Enjoys social gatherings and is willing to help in anyway possible.  Even it if means she will need to host the party herself.  She knows her limits, not afraid to seek help when necessary and plans accordingly.
There is an art and science to hosting Cute and Classy Events.  A natural hostess balances between her creative imagination and a systematic approach.  She is skillful in producing an aesthetically pleasing environment. She can transform a feather into a peacock paradise; when other's only see a "feather."  She will tactfully manage an event in such a way that it appears easy.  

Meanwhile, the willing hostess has hosting a party down to a science.  She has the knowledge or will seek the knowledge on how to host the event. She is skilled in time management, budgeting, and details.  She can envision the end result but may not know how to create the end product.  Example:  Molly is having her 30th birthday party.  She wants a beautiful one of a kind glamour cake. She can describe it, however she does not know how to bake or decorate the cake.

Last but not the least we have the reluctant hostess.  She just needs to right a check, send out invitations and show up to a venue that provides a host.  After all she is a realist.  She knows she cannot handle another thing on her plate.

I am a Naturalwilling hostess!  I know I cheated, I gave you three and made up the 4th one.  I must admit I am in between the two.  I love finding new ideas and implementing similar concepts and top it all off with my management skills.  

Now your turn!  What kind of hostess are you?

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