Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Give-a-Way | My Baby Valentine

In celebration of Valentine's Day, Another Cute & Classy Event would like to Give-A-Way two diapers cakes: 1 for a boy and 1 for a girl.  While many people celebrate the day with husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, or domestic partners; I choose to celebrate the day with my baby girl.  She is not a diaper wearing "baby", but she will always be Momma's baby.  She is My Baby Valentine.  I loved her then, I love her now, I will love her always.  Chrissy you are My Baby Valentine, Mommy Loves You!

Here is a picture of the "it's a girl" diaper cake.  

        Each diaper cake will have the following items:
                  10 - size 1 Huggies Brand diapers
                  18 - size 2 Huggies Brand diapers
                    1 - Stuff animal

They say nothing in life is for "free".  I agree!  Why? Because I expect something in return.  To enter to win 1 of the 2 diaper cakes you will need to follow the instructions below.  This is a limited time offer. See the terms and conditions for details. This is what you will need to do!

  1. Visit our Facebook Fan Page and "LIKE" our page.
    • If you are already a fan,  refer a friend and tell them to put in the message section "I Like you because ....(have them insert the email address you used for the form) Like's you!"; to meet the first requirement.  Your referred friend MUST include the statement in order for you to get credit for requirement 1. 
  2. Fill out the Contact Us form on our Facebook Fan Page. This will be your entry ticket for the drawing.
    • If you are already a fan still complete the contact us form.
    • If you are a new fan still complete the contact us form.
  3. In the Message section on the contact form type "it's a boy" if you want to enter for the boy diaper cake or type "it's a girl" if you want to enter for the girl diaper cake.
Entries must be in by Wednesday, February 8, 2012 11:59 PM EST.  One entry per person, household, email address or mailing address. All entrants must be 18 years or older.  The drawing will take place using random.org. Two entrants will win.  The winner will be announced Thursday, February 9, 2012 by 8:00 PM EST. Packages will be mailed Friday, February 10, 2012.  Details will be sent to the individual winner(s).


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Define Yourself | What kind of Hostess are you?

Today, I decided to dust off one of my old party planning books. Well, stuck in the middle of the book were my notes on, "types of hostesses".  Just in case you are new to party planning, here is the definition for hostess (in relation to parties).  As defined by Merriam Webster dictionary, a hostess is a woman who entertains socially. Diane Warner explains that there are three types of hostesses: "natural, reluctant, and willing".

  1. Natural Hostess ~ Can organize a party effortlessly. She is gifted with the art of hospitality and loves to entertain.  She can plan a cute and classy event for any type of celebration.
  2. Reluctant Hostess ~ Has her had full and overwhelmed by the schedule in her everyday life. She frowns at the idea of hosting a party. She does not need another thing to add to her already demanding list of things to do.
  3. Willing Hostess ~ Enjoys social gatherings and is willing to help in anyway possible.  Even it if means she will need to host the party herself.  She knows her limits, not afraid to seek help when necessary and plans accordingly.
There is an art and science to hosting Cute and Classy Events.  A natural hostess balances between her creative imagination and a systematic approach.  She is skillful in producing an aesthetically pleasing environment. She can transform a feather into a peacock paradise; when other's only see a "feather."  She will tactfully manage an event in such a way that it appears easy.  

Meanwhile, the willing hostess has hosting a party down to a science.  She has the knowledge or will seek the knowledge on how to host the event. She is skilled in time management, budgeting, and details.  She can envision the end result but may not know how to create the end product.  Example:  Molly is having her 30th birthday party.  She wants a beautiful one of a kind glamour cake. She can describe it, however she does not know how to bake or decorate the cake.

Last but not the least we have the reluctant hostess.  She just needs to right a check, send out invitations and show up to a venue that provides a host.  After all she is a realist.  She knows she cannot handle another thing on her plate.

I am a Naturalwilling hostess!  I know I cheated, I gave you three and made up the 4th one.  I must admit I am in between the two.  I love finding new ideas and implementing similar concepts and top it all off with my management skills.  

Now your turn!  What kind of hostess are you?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Ombre! not Humbre. What do you think?

This weeks inspiration boards featured Ombre!  Funny enough I have a friend that asked,  "isn't that a spanish word for friend".  The spanish word he was referring to is 'humbre'. Ombre is a color effect. It refers to the gradual change in shade from light to dark.  I told him if he continues to follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our blog, before his wedding; he will be the smartest future groom by the time he is ready to jump the broom.  You will too! Be the smartest that is...you are already smart just because you stopped by.  So without further ado....


Tell us what do you think about ombre. Which one do you like?  

Enter to WIN a $25.00 Michael's Gift card.  Entries must be in by Friday, January 27, 2012 11:59 PM EST.  One entry per person, household, email address or mailing address. All entrants must be 18 years or older.  Each entrant will be assigned a random number generated by random.org. One entrant will win.  The winner will be announced Monday, January 30, 2012 at 8:00 AM EST.

A.) Something Blue

B.) Reveal your Darkside

C.) Casual Chic beachside

D.) Graceful Green

E.)  Purple Passion

Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's Voting Time! Turquoise in Four Different Inspirations.

With the spring season around the corner, I thought it would be fun to post inspiration boards for my Facebook followers. The main color was turquoise exhibited in four different ways.  I must say it was a little time consuming but worth every minute.  My favorite(s), if I can pick two, are "I Love Lucy" remembers "Happy Days" and Whimsical Alice in Wonderland.  Which one(s) do you like?  Leave your responses in comments.


I Love Lucy (a)  ^

Tiffany's Glam ^

Dinner @ Tiffany's ^

Tiffany's Blue

Whimsical Alice in Wonderland (a)

Whimsical Alice in Wonderland (b)

Tiffany's meets Godiva (a)

Tiffany's meets Godiva (2)

I Love Lucy (b)

I hope you enjoyed them!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

ACCE Color Challenge | 365 days of Inspiration!

True Colors by Melissa Ayr
Happy New Year to you!  I am so excited to share the  ACCE (Another Cute & Classy Event) Color Challenge with you this year.  I know I am starting a little early. I am not a procrastinator but I am no early bird either. So this is truly going to be a challenge.  With this year's color challenge you can expect to find 3 color combinations posted 6:00 AM EST, on the Another Cute & Classy Event  fan page, 5 days a week: Monday - Friday. My goal is to inspire you, my Cute & Classy follower; with trendy, vibrant, cute and classy colors for your next Cute & Classy Event.

Take a peek on Facebook for a preview of today's sample inspiration board. Please feel free to leave a comment and inspire me with 3 of your favorite colors.  I am looking forward to seeing your ideas.